Shepherds" Download
Price: $9.95Prod. Code: #PA03
Download Size: 424
kb, 20 pages
A Christmas Pageant
"The Shepherds"
Up to 13 1/2 inches tall.
This is the third set in a series of 5 depicting the
traditional pageantry of the First Christmas. There are 4 shepherds in
this set because my favorite shepherds were all farm boys and actually did raise
sheep. Ben, Casey, David and Michael spent a fair amount of their time at
each rehearsal instructing the three younger sheep-girls how to act like sheep.
Up until that point, I had never given much through as to the behavior of sheep,
but these boys knew! I’m not sure what happened to Ben, David and Michael,
but Casey went on to veterinary school and is still practicing as far as I know.
Create the complete pageant . . .