Copyrights are very long and quite involved
for legal purposes. This shortened
explanation will answer most of the questions
I've received regarding my copyright. If you have further
contact me.
Type "copyright" in the subject line.
All of my designs, patterns, photos and text
are copyrighted.
You may use my patterns and designs to make
projects for yourself,
as gifts, or to sell at craft shows and/or
consignment shops.
You may
not use
any of my photos, whether printed or from our Website,
or any of my text, patterns, drawings, or
other material published mechanically or electronically by Hiller
Productions for any purpose other than listed above.
You may
not use
my designs for mass production in any manner or form.
You are allowed to print a copy of the
download patterns that you purchase; however,you may
disperse the files in any manner, nor may you reproduce the downloadable
files in any form whatsoever.